We are pleased to share recordings from the 2020 Green Bay Conservation Partners Spring Roundtable!
Please excuse any glitches, these are live recordings and have not been edited.
Legislative Update and Lightning Talk Round #1
- Legislative Update [0:25]
Seth Hoffmeister, WI Conservation Voters - Lightning Talks:
- The Power of Community Interviews in Watershed Management Planning [14:50]
Julia Noordyk, Wisconsin Sea Grant - End Use Plan for Renard Island [21:32]
Dean Haen, Brown County Port & Resource Recovery - Lake Sturgeon Movements in Green Bay [29:07]
Mike Donofrio, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources - Delisting the Lower Menominee Area of Concern [35:06]
Brie Kupsky, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources - Wisconsin Breeding Atlas II Results in Northeast Wisconsin [41:23]
Tom Prestby, GEI Consultants - Agriculture Runoff Treatment Systems Update [47:59]
Kevin Fermanich, UW-Green Bay
- The Power of Community Interviews in Watershed Management Planning [14:50]
- Lightning Talks:
- Shipwreck Preservation and Underwater Archaeology Education in Green Bay [0:00, with apologies for missing first moment of presentation]
Kevin Cullen, Neville Museum - Northeast Wisconsin Invasive Species Coalition (NEWISC) [7:19]
Asa Plonsky, Golden Sands RC&D - Energy Work in the Region [13:33]
Mike Troge, Oneida Nation - What Can Be Done About the East River? [20:57]
Mike Grimm, The Nature Conservancy - Sources and Fate of PFAS in Green Bay and Lake Michigan [26:26]
Sarah Balgooyen, UW-Madison - Designation of the Green Bay National Estuarine Reserve [32:41]
Mathew Dornbush, UW-Green Bay
- Shipwreck Preservation and Underwater Archaeology Education in Green Bay [0:00, with apologies for missing first moment of presentation]
- Motivating Pro-Conservation Behavior Toward Threatened and Endangered Species [0:00, with apologies for missing first portion of presentation]
Daniel J. Meinhardt & Georjeanna Wilson-Doenges - All From One Tree – a SLOYD Education at Hands On Deck [11:50]
Mark Hawkins
- Sustainability in Park Management for the City of Green Bay [0:30]
Kaurie Mihm
- Landowner Cooperatives: Using Wisconsin’s Deer Management Assistance Program to Connect Landowners and Natural Resource Professionals [0:00, with apologies for connectivity issues at a few points in the Café]
Joshua Beneš
- Impacts of Land Use Change on Peak Flow Rates in the Lower Fox River Basin [5:36]
Jeremy Freund - Transitioning Science to Management: Developing Models and Tools to Restore the Health of Green Bay Ecosystem [32:48]
Chad Cook
- Adaptive Management of Phragmites in Northeastern Wisconsin [0:48, with apologies for missing first portion of presentation]
Bobbie Webster - Ditch the Paper! How to use Collector for ArcGIS Online to Simplify your Field Work [23:15]
Megan Hoff